Индекс УДК 37
Дата публикации: 29.03.2022

Psychological support of students in preparation for Worldskills international championship

Психологическое сопровождение студентов в процессе подготовки к международному чемпионату Worldskills

Kuchuk O.V.
Strizhavchuk N.S.
Nikolenko T.I.

1. Nevinnomyssk Institute of Technology Russia,
2. MBOU SOSH No. 14
3. Nevinnomyssk Institute of Technology

Кучук О.В.
Стрижавчук Н.С.
Николенко Т.Ю.

1. Невинномысский технологический институт
2. МБОУ СОШ №14
3. Невинномысский технологический институт
Аннотация: В данной статье представлена практика подготовки участников к Региональным чемпионатам «Молодые профессионалы» (WorldskillsRussia) в Невинномысском технологическом институте (филиал) СКФУ. Обобщен практический опыт участия студентов института на Региональном чемпионате WorldskillsRussia.

Abstract: This article presents the practice of preparing participants for the Regional Championships "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia) at the Nevinnomyssk Technological Institute (branch) of NCFU. The practical experience of the Institute's students ' participation in the WorldSkills Russia Regional Championship is summarized.
Ключевые слова: (Worldskills Russia) / Чемпионат профессионального мастерства/компетенции/участники/эксперты/ повышение личностного потенциала/ индивидуальность/ личностные характеристики/ диагностика.

Keywords: Worldskills Russia) / Professional Skills Championship/competencies/participants/experts/ personal potential enhancement/ individuality/ personal characteristics/ diagnostics.


 The relevance of the researching the problem is that psychological training is directly important for the participant, because it is exactly, he who feels support and assistance that helps to concentrate on this championship. It gives him a personal resource and potential for self-regulation of his behavior, develops motivation for self-knowledge in the process of preparation. Therefore, it is necessary to organize systematic psychological training for contestants in educational institutions.

In recent years, our country has done a lot for implementation of practical-oriented approach and improve the level of professional education, which provide the training of highly qualified personnel in accordance with modern standards and situations.

One of the main directions of this activity is the holding of competitions of professional skills. The Young Professionals Championship, held according to WorldSkills standards, is becoming increasingly popular in the secondary vocational education system. The Young Professionals Movement (WorldSkills Russia) is an international non-profit movement whose goal is to increase the prestige of working professions and develop professional education by harmonizing the best practices and professional standards around the world, through the organization and holding of professional skills competitions, not only in each individual country, but throughout the world. [1]

The purpose of the study.

The WorldSkills International (WSI) movement was founded in the post-war years in Spain (1947), when the world hasn’t enough skilled workers categorically. The first championships were held in order to popularize the professions of working and increase their importance. Today, it is an effective instrument for training personnel in accordance with world standards and the needs of new high-tech technologies.

Under the auspices of the WorldSkills, regional, national and world championships, continental championships are held. Participants show their skills and abilities by competing in six professional units: the construction industry, information and communication technologies, creativity and design, industrial production, services and civil transport services. In the history of the international movement, 79 countries have joined the WorldSkills. Russia did this in 2012. For six years, about 500 regional, corporate, university and national championships were held. They were attended by more than 100 thousand of participants. The total number of viewers approached to 1.6 million people.

The psychological preparation of students for the professional championship of Worldskills Russia consists in psychological and pedagogical support, which includes advisory and training work aimed at developing the consciousness of each person. It is important for the student to form a value attitude towards himself, his abilities and talents, to develop a deep understanding of his goals and opportunities.

Material and methods of research.

In order to achieve high results, it is necessary to develop a selection methodology and training for the participant. This process can be divided into several stages.

The first stage of preparation is the selection of candidates for participation in the championships, together with the head of the group in which students’ study.

The main selection criteria are:

— the student’s desire to take part in the championship, participate, develop professionally, as well as clearly understand the volume of temporary, emotional and other types of costs that are associated with preparation and participation in the competition;

— the interest in this sphere of activity. This may become an additional incentive for the student in preparation for the championship, it will solve several problems at once: to prepare for the competition, to expand his knowledge and opportunity for the module, to clarify his future choice;

— the abilities for the profession and learning ability. Every future participant should have healthy ambitions, both in competitions and in the professional sphere. The ability to prioritize correctly. An important aspect is the ability to critical self-esteem, as well as a calm attitude to constructive criticism and the ability to listen. This is a very important point, since at the championship the participant does not speak alone, but in close cooperation with his expert, and therefore the result of the performance depends on the ability to listen and listen to the expert;

— student’s stress resistance is the ability to adequately tolerate significant intellectual, volitional and emotional loads (overloads), a tense or extreme situation without harmful consequences for the case, others and their health. A great role for a good contest is played by the correct psychological attitude of the participant, which affects the effectiveness of the work.

At the Nevinnomyssk Technological Institute (branch) of SKFU, the socio-psychological service organizes psychological preparation for the championship. Since one of the differences in Worldskills standards competitions is its duration (15-22 hours for 3-4 days), psychological stability allows the participant to get through all the way without reducing the level of work quality.

The second stage of training students to participate in the championships is the preparation process itself.

The preparation of the trainer for the championship is similar to the preparation of the athlete for the Olympic Games — a daily, many-hour training, but only in a short period of time. For the participant preparing for the championship, a teacher-mentor, based on the requirements of the FGOS professional competencies, specialties and additionally Worldskills, develop an individual program for preparing for the Regional Championship «Young Professionals» (WorldSkillsRussia), which includes:

— qualification requirements;

— approximate plan of preparation direction;

— calendar and thematic plan;

— an approximate list of equipment, visual material necessary for the performance of competitive tasks. Under this program, the student has the full opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge through various sources of information: Internet resources, consultations, personal practical and independent tasks and pass «individual» training and field trip that will help him to better demonstrate this competence.

Participation in the competitions of the Young Professionals (WorldskillsRussia) championships and the process of preparing for competitions is a large and complex system of professional training, it is carried out according to certain rules to which the participant obeys. The psychological readiness of the participants includes a tough system of competitions, requires special training, which includes increasing the personal potential of the participants, developing social skills and increasing psychological competence. Such work on support of participants of competitions is formed by assimilation of special psychological knowledge, formation of social skills and development of vital skills. Training of participants of competitions and improvement of their professional skills is determined by many factors and conditions. In this regard, a large number of specialists work with the participants in the competition: a master of industrial training, a coach, an expert, an instructor and others.

It is important that a psychologist will be include into the training system of participants in competitions, as a specialist who provides psychological support to participants not only during the competition, but also during training, probation and professional training. Important psychological options include three groups of topical problems that are solved by psychologists together with participants in competitions:

1) diagnostics of personal qualities and individual differences, which will make it possible for the participants of «Image I» to form an adequate participation in the events of the championship «Young professionals; psychodiagnostics can also serve as an auxiliary mechanism for selecting participants in the national team at various levels (from the national team of the institute to the regional team);

2) the selection of methods of effective special training in accordance with the specifics of the competency chosen by the participant and selection of methods of psychological support of the activity of the participant of the competition at various stages of the championship in order to increase the personal effectiveness of the participants;

3) development of psychological techniques, forms and methods of psychological development and formation of skills necessary for the participant.

In modern psychological practice, solving the above-mentioned problems is significantly hampered because of coaches and experts don’t include a psychologist in the training system of participants in competitions, as well as in a negative relation in general to the expected results from psychological exercises, trainings, seminars and master classes. Such negative attitudes prevent the introduction of various forms of psychological training and support for participants in the Young Professionals Championship (WorldskillsRussia). Psychological support for the competition participants is also important because in most cases the selection for participation in local competitions is carried out without taking into account the morphological, physiological and psychological characteristics of the child. Emphasis is placed only on professional training, and very rarely on the typological features of a particular participant. Participants in the competition, showing their professional abilities, independently go back to a psychologist. If you summarize the requests of applicants, you can combine them into the following groups:

1) experiencing success (victory) or failure (defeat) in the championship, which is accompanied by a feeling of loss of purpose and meaning: one stage that has ended, the qualitative change of the next stage is not recognized, the student is unprepared for further development and setting new goals and the search for new meanings;

2) excessive excitement during the competition is the most common request; The true reason for the appeal is the insufficient level of self-regulation skills, which may not be understood by fears, self-dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, the problem of existence;

3) psychological work with mood disorders, unbalanced emotions, irritation and laziness;

4) experiencing situational fear during competitions, fear of making a mistake, fear of failure, fear of not having time to fulfill a competitive task, fear of not using an important moment in life;

5) low level of psychological preparation for competitions — this condition is favorable for maximum effective impact by psychological methods and techniques; this is an urgent condition for increasing all available psychological resources, forming the necessary psychological competencies; previous problems are solved using the primary correction of attitudes, reactions and meanings and only then new skills necessary for participants in competitions are formed.

Before you begin to describe directly the topics, forms and methods of work on the psychological training of the participants of the Young Professionals Championship (WorldskillsRussia), you need to consider several applied psychological aspects of such training: individual characteristics necessary to participate in competitions; personal changes related to training in the chosen competence. Thus, the most pronounced features necessary to achieve success in such an interaction as competition, rivalry and competition are distinguished:

1) desire for success (victory): the competitors have different levels of needs to achieve or avoid losses. With the help of existing diagnostic techniques, it is possible to determine the externality (internality) of students, but the degree of severity is better revealed by the method of individual conversation and observation.

2) The aggressiveness: many professional competencies require physical exertion and special physical training, in such situations psychologically controlled physical aggressiveness is needed as a necessary quality for victory; in sports where physical contact is required, controlled physical aggressiveness is a necessary quality for victory and achieving maximum success. In a competitive situation, people tend to be more aggressive than normal, they show their aggressive tendencies more freely.

3) anxiety: both an excessive level of anxiety and a complete lack of anxiety prevent competitors from showing high results during the performance of competitive tasks. Stress tolerance trainings will allow you to understand and feel the level of situational anxiety management.

4) emotional stability and self-control: a competitor will be able to achieve success in a stressful situation with proper management of his emotional state. Training exercises on the formation of social skills and life skills will allow you to form an attitude to manage your states and behavior.

5) volitional qualities of personality: volitional activity is understood as conscious, purposeful human activity associated with overcoming obstacles and difficulties on the way to the goal. In volitional regulation in conditions of competition, the following are important: willpower, diligence, perseverance, patience, determination, courage, courage, discipline, independence. Work on improving psychological competence will allow you to form the necessary strong-willed qualities.

6) leadership qualities: people with high importance, who can subdue others, often strive for authoritarian control over themselves. It means that a competitor with authoritarian tendencies quite easily accepts all the restrictions and instructions of his master, coach, any significant person on the competition site. A person with leadership qualities will be more persistent in his claims, boastful, aggressive. Those whose level of claims is low are less willing to accept instructions from others, including from people who are significant in their chosen competence (master, coach, expert).

The participants of the competition who do not have a set of leadership qualities will be unsure of themselves, inclined to accusations and self-accusations. Also, during the psychological preparation of the participants of the competition, it is important to take into account individually or in a team students compete in competencies. The participants of the competition, whose competence is individual, are more independent, less anxious and less influenced by others. In the process of professional training in the chosen competence, students go through the stages of personal changes, therefore, the program consists of questions related to differential psychology.


Under the influence of intense and intensive training activities and internships, psychological and physical stress affect personal development: improving self-control, increasing the level of personal anxiety, persistent, egocentric. By training in the chosen competence, students become more able to fulfill precisely the requirements and instructions that develop the processes of attention (volume, concentration, distribution, stability and duration).These achievements should be paid attention to by students, which will allow them to develop a high degree of observation and orientation in the environment. Also, psychological training is aimed at the development of visually effective and operational thinking, which is directly manifested in activities related to professional competence. The main thing is that students see the results of their work at competitions; the development of visual and musculoskeletal memory; the versatile development of the emotional sides of the personality; positive volitional sides of the personality, the ability to spend maximum volitional efforts to achieve the desired goal — winning competitions.

Библиографический список

1. Akopov G.V. Social psychology of education. - Samara: SamGPI Publishing House, 1996.- 245 p.
2. Documentation of the "WSR" movement Official website of the "WorldSkillsRussia" movement [Electronic resource] - Access mode http://Worldskills.ru /.
3. Regulatory documents of WorldSkills International, WorldSkills Russia.